Labour Party Shoots Itself in Both Feet – Labour Data Breach

When Sir Keir Starmer became leader I left the Labour Party, after rejoining and campaigning strongly for the Corbyn-led party in 2017 to 2019. I didn’t bother resigning, just stopped my Direct Debit and left it at that.

To my horror and surprise, I received an email on 3rd November 2021, saying that the Labour Party has transferred my details to a third party without my consent and there has been a serious data breach. This has ignited a huge social media furore, as it appears thousands of members and ex-members may had had their data lost or stolen, which presumably includes banking details. #LabourDataBreach

Legally, the party has a duty to keep this safe, and ask us before any transfer to a third party, under GDPR, so the party, already in a parlous economic state, if facing serious legal investigations, fines and possibly class actions.

As I understand it, the Labour Party itself is an unincorporated association, which means that the leading people are actually liable. If that is the case I rather think I am going to enjoy taking Sir Keir and his henchman dribbling David Evans to court, not to mention sending in the Crown Bailiffs (who have more powers than normal bailiffs).

The new new Labour Party under Sir Keir Starmer keeps getting itself into more and more trouble. Is this the final curtain for a once-great progressive political party?